Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Elene 20a | es wōma. || Weorod samnodon / | Hūna | lēode || and Hrēð-Gotan, / f |
Elene 32b | herġum tō hilde, || swelċe | Hūna | cyning / ymb-sittendra || ǣġh |
Elene 41b | ā·hȳðan. || Þǣr wearþ | Hūna | cyme / cūþ ċeaster-warum. || |
Elene 49b | / hæfdon tō hilde || þonne% | Hūna | cyning; / ridon ymb rōfne, || |
Elene 58a | d, || siþþan ell-þēodġe, / | Hūna | and Hrēða || here sċēawod |
Elene 128a | ēase. || Fluĝon inn-stæpes / | Hūna | lēode, || swā þæt hālġe |
Elene 143a | weorod. || Lȳthwōn be·cōm / | Hūna | herġes || hām eft þonan. / |