A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hwate

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Elene 22b Francan and Hūĝas%. / Wǣron hwate weras, / ġearwe tō gūðe. ||
Beowulf 1601a æġes. || Næss of·ġēafon / hwate Sċieldingas; || ġe·wāt hi
Beowulf 2052b ġ, / aefter hæleþa hryre, || hwate Sċieldingas? / Nū hēr þāra
Beowulf 2517a þā || gumena ġe·hwelcne, / hwate helm-berend, || hindeman sī
Beowulf 2642a ār-wīġend || gōde tealde, / hwate helm-berend, || þēah þe h
Beowulf 3005b ċe / aefter hæleþa hryre, || hwate Sċielfingas, / folc-rǣd freme