Number of occurrences in corpus: 6
The Battle of Maldon 17a | | feohtan sċolde. / Þā ðǣr | Byrht·nōþ | on·gann || beornas trymian, / |
The Battle of Maldon 42a | and ēow friðes healdan.’ / | Byrht·nōþ | maðelode, || bord hafenode, / |
The Battle of Maldon 101a | an gramum || ġearwe stōdon / | Byrht·nōþ | mid beornum; || hē mid bordu |
The Battle of Maldon 127b | stede-fæste; || stihte hīe | Byrhtnōþ, | / bæd þæt hyssa ġe·hwelċ |
The Battle of Maldon 162a | and ġe·reġnod sweord. / Þā | Byrht·nōþ | bræġd || bill of sċēaðe, |
The Battle of Maldon 257b | d þæt beorna ġe·hwelċ || | Byrht·nōþ | wrǣce%: / ‘Ne mæġ nā wand |