creo participle fut part act neut voc sg pp4 are_vb
creo participle fut part act masc voc sg pp4 are_vb
creo participle fut part act neut voc sg pp4 are_vb
creo participle fut part act masc voc sg pp4 are_vb
Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
A.3.4 87 | e phoenix. / There that unique | creature | keeps its dwelling-place, / th |
A.3.4 108 | ing. / There the glory-blessed | creature | bathes himself twelve times / |
A.3.4 216 | the house of the disheartened | creature, | fiercely hastens, / pale fire |
A.3.4 339 | es, / and so surround the holy | creature | in a ring / in flight in the a |
A.3.4 353 | eart, / turn from that warlike | creature | / back to their homes. Then th |
A.3.4 361 | ’s birth. / Then the blessed | creature | is allowed to enjoy his home, |
A.3.4 379 | so wondrously again / the same | creature | that he was before, / wrapped |
FRITHEGOD.MaryMag.Hymn.12 4 | entie, / Cuius non latet oculum / | Creature | latibulum, / Proponens imitabil |