de_-voveo participle perf part pass neut voc sg pp4
de_-voveo participle perf part pass masc voc sg pp4
Number of occurrences in corpus: 5
ALCVIN.Carm 93 3 | nt. / Auriat os tenerum lymphas | devote | salutis, / Forsan in ecclesia n |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 209 | re burning in their hearts to | devote | themselves to the heavenly my |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 564 | of his work. / He rejoiced to | devote | himself to private night-long |
N.Hymn.DePentecost 8 | risti gratia. / 2a. In his ergo | devote | sacra / sollemniis pange / Deo ca |
N.Hymn.DeSSBrinSwithun2 2 | 1. Laude resonet / te, Christe, | devote | / supplex turma, / 2a. Ecclesiae |