A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: bellantes

bello participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj1 are_vb

bello participle pres part masc/fem nom/voc pl conj1 are_vb

bello participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj1 are_vb

bello participle pres part masc/fem nom/voc pl conj1 are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2470 ccati scaeua cicatrix, / Contra bellantes studeat certare cateruas / Octe
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 466 ne uultum. / Namque uidebat uti bellantes Pergama circum / Hac fugerent G
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 693 obore clauso / Absconsaque manu bellantes dispulit hostes / Amalechas nec
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 301 empore temperat undas / Et modo bellantes fluctus freta pigra iacebunt.