A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: liquefactaque

liquefacio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

liquefacio participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

liquefacio participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

liquefacio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

liquefacio participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

liquefacio participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1774 na linquens / Congeries lapidum liquefactaque uiscera montis. / Tum Siculus c
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 576 scera montis / Erigit eructans, liquefactaque saxa sub auras / Cum gemitu glo
£.VERGIL.Georg01 473 s Aetnam, / Flammarumque globos liquefactaque uoluere saxa! / Armorum sonitum