A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mulsa

mulsum noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_i

mulceo participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

mulceo participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

mulceo participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

mulsum noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_i

mulceo participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

mulceo participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

mulceo participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2541 aris idcirco contemnit pocula mulsa / Atque opulenta fugit pro Chri