A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: potibus

potus#2 noun masc abl pl us_us

potus#2 noun masc dat pl us_us

potus#2 noun masc abl pl us_us

potus#2 noun masc dat pl us_us

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

BEDE.Hymn 2 88 t haec supera aethera restat, / Potibus atque cibis distendant ilia l
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun praefatio 92 ina coronant, / Miscentes potus potibus innumeris. / Foecundi calices,
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun praefatio 246 ibis omnes epulisque refecti, / Potibus et uariis, omnibus atque boni