A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: uersificum

versificus noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic

versificus noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic

versificus noun masc acc sg us_a_um

versificus noun neut nom sg us_a_um

versificus noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um

versificus noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic

versificus noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic

versificus noun masc acc sg us_a_um

versificus noun neut nom sg us_a_um

versificus noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

ALDHELM.Aenig P 14 bui nec somnia uidI. / Nam mihi uersificum poterit Deus addere carmeN / In