A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: aliqui

aliqui noun adverb indeclform

aliqui noun masc nom pl indef indeclform

aliqui noun masc nom sg indef indeclform

aliquis noun masc nom pl indef indeclform

aliqui verb perf ind act 1st sg perfstem

aliqui noun adverb indeclform

aliqui noun masc nom pl indef indeclform

aliqui noun masc nom sg indef indeclform

aliquis noun masc nom pl indef indeclform

aliqui verb perf ind act 1st sg perfstem

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

N.PassEustace 253 sit nocte latenter. / Hoc fures aliqui peruersi conspicientes / Inuadu
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 1328 copus illis. / Assensum prebent aliqui suadente maligno; / Intermittit