A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: horreo

horreum#1 noun neut abl sg us_i

horreum#1 noun neut dat sg us_i

horreo verb pres ind act 1st sg conj2

horreum#1 noun neut abl sg us_i

horreum#1 noun neut dat sg us_i

horreo verb pres ind act 1st sg conj2

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

HERBERT.Wulfgar.Vers 67 em hiemem uincere quo ualeam. / Horreo hanc timidus, hanc terreo teg
££.PRVD.Peristeph02 450 m et Sterculum / Colit senatus, horreo / Tot monstra patrum dicere / Et