A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: iunctis

junctus noun neut abl pl us_a_um

junctus noun fem abl pl us_a_um

junctus noun masc abl pl us_a_um

junctus noun neut dat pl us_a_um

junctus noun fem dat pl us_a_um

junctus noun masc dat pl us_a_um

jungo participle perf part pass neut abl pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass fem abl pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass masc abl pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass neut dat pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass fem dat pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass masc dat pl pp4

junctus noun neut abl pl us_a_um

junctus noun fem abl pl us_a_um

junctus noun masc abl pl us_a_um

junctus noun neut dat pl us_a_um

junctus noun fem dat pl us_a_um

junctus noun masc dat pl us_a_um

jungo participle perf part pass neut abl pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass fem abl pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass masc abl pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass neut dat pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass fem dat pl pp4

jungo participle perf part pass masc dat pl pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 12

ALCVIN.Carm 118 2 feruida caeli. / Quae caret his iunctis breuitatur sillaba iure. / Naut
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.v 7 dique tellus, / hi sic angelici iunctis duo uiri[bus] Angli / seruant A
N.Wulfstan B11 3 gere necne: / Laetatur pius his iunctis nostri memor et sit.
£.LVCAN.Phars04 260 ta nefanda / Agmina caede duces iunctis committere castris / Non audent
£.LVCAN.Phars05 461 it harenas. / Prima duces uidit iunctis consistere castris / Tellus, qu
£.LVCAN.Phars10 492 uine tinctas / Lampadas immitti iunctis in bella carinis; / Non piger i
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 354 e iacentem: / Tergoribus studio iunctis dum lumina uertunt. / Sopitum g
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 511 um currus celeres Aegyptiorum / Iunctis equitibus grauique turba / Rubr
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 39 terna legunt quingentis milia iunctis, / Quinquaginta super positis, q
££.IVVENC.Euang03 470 rpore necti / Amborumque animas iunctis inolescere membris. / Quod Deus
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm18 389 sibi raptorem, quatere ostia iunctis / Frontibus et tamquam manibus
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 458 ne regnum). / Et quod contextae iunctis sibi molibus aedes / Iure pio s