persto verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem
per-sisto verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem
per-sto verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem comp_only
persto verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem
per-sisto verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem
per-sto verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem comp_only
Number of occurrences in corpus: 3
N.VmetIudoc 269 | cultu lesus; sed fortior inde / | perstitit | in ceptis operum plus plus be |
N.ÆlfricC.Epit 2 | sana summi, / Qui rector patrie | perstitit | Angligene. / Inter pontifices r |
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 1054 | cyresan quod nuncupat Anglus; / | Perstitit | in precibus; subito (mirabile |