A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: reparauit

reparo verb perf ind act 3rd sg avperf are_vb

re-paro#1 verb perf ind act 3rd sg avperf are_vb

re-paro#2 verb perf ind act 3rd sg avperf are_vb

reparo verb perf ind act 3rd sg avperf are_vb

re-paro#1 verb perf ind act 3rd sg avperf are_vb

re-paro#2 verb perf ind act 3rd sg avperf are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

ALCVIN.Carm 69 202 perustis / Ezra deo feruens hoc reparauit opus. / Hoc opus, hoc etenim fl
N.CodexAmiatinus.Epig J1a 2 erustis / Esdra Deo feruens hoc reparauit opus. / / # I1b / Eloquium Domini
N.VmetIudoc 258 rrita cuius auis signo predam reparauit, / non tantum reparans, etiam se
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun praefatio 41 ure coenobium. / Istius antiqui reparauit et atria templi, / Moenibus exc