A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: pulcherrimum

pulcher#1 noun masc/neut gen superl pl er_ra_rum poetic

pulcher#1 noun masc acc superl sg er_ra_rum

pulcher#1 noun neut nom/voc/acc superl sg er_ra_rum

pulcher#1 noun neut nom superl sg er_ra_rum

pulcher#1 noun masc/neut gen superl pl er_ra_rum poetic

pulcher#1 noun masc acc superl sg er_ra_rum

pulcher#1 noun neut nom/voc/acc superl sg er_ra_rum

pulcher#1 noun neut nom superl sg er_ra_rum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 86 unusculum || Quoddam addunt pulcherrimum, / Toracidas, tuentibus || Ret