A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: reced

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Genesis A 2406a on ofer since || salo hlifian / reced ofer readum golde || ongan þ
Genesis A 2494b recan ne meahton / reþemode || reced æfter gistum / swa hie fundedo
Genesis A 2840b d / þær se halga || heahsteap reced / burh timbrede || and bearo se
Beowulf 412a nd || ðæt ðæs sele stande / reced selesta || rinca gehwylcum / id
Beowulf 770b ron begen / reðe renweardas || reced hlynsode / ða wæs wundor mice
Beowulf 1237b hofe sinum / rice to ræste || reced weardode / unrim eorla || swa h
Beowulf 1799b on / reste hine ða rumheort || reced hliuade / geap ond goldfah || g