Appearances for the Project
The project team made over thirty international appearances representing the project in the first three years of the project alone. These range from Kalamazoo to Leeds to Vienna, Granada, Oxford, St. Petersburg and Cork. Here are a few examples of how the team has disseminated its research, both by travelling far and wide and speaking closer to home. Events range from inspiring pupils at the local school, through universities and conferences to the prestigious Gollancz Lecture.

AN00105011_001_l Ship, Sutton Hoo. British Museum. CC BY NC SA

Estelcom 2019, Alicante
- Dr Rafael Pascual
- Beowulf and literary analysis

Corpus Christi Biennial Alumnae Event, 2019
- Dr Colleen Curran

Cambourne Village College Outreach, 2019
- Dr Rachel Burns
- Introduction to the Anglo-Saxons and their poetry

Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland, 2017
- Dr Colleen Curren
- Dr Daniel Thomas