A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

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Poem of the Day: The Battle of Brunanburh

  1. her æþelstan cyning || eorla dryhten
  2. beorna beahgifa || and his broþor eac
  3. eadmund æþeling || ealdorlangne tir
  4. geslogon æt sæcce || sweorda ecgum
  5. ymbe brunanburh || bordweal clufan
  6. heowan heaþolinde || hamora lafan
  7. afaran eadweardes || swa him geæþele wæs
  8. from cneomægum || þæt hi æt campe oft
  9. wiþ laþra gehwæne || land ealgodon
  10. hord and hamas || hettend crungun
  11. ...

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Word Form of the Day: atterentes

attero participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj3

attero participle pres part masc/fem nom/voc pl conj3

ad-tero participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj3

ad-tero participle pres part masc/fem nom/voc pl conj3

attero participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj3

attero participle pres part masc/fem nom/voc pl conj3

ad-tero participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj3

ad-tero participle pres part masc/fem nom/voc pl conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

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Metre of the Day

Fragment of Psalm 19 1a

Scansion: S|Sxs
Type: 1D4
Scansion: / | / x \
Type: D4

Syntax: PV
Heavy Verse: Yes
Double Alliteration

Places with this scansion (bliss)

Other places with this scansion (sievers)

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