
Gold Belt Buckle, Sutton Hoo. British Museum. CC BY NC SA
The academic study funded by the project has given rise to a number of innovative and important insights, references to which are added to this page as they become available.
These include a free-to-access collection of conference papers as the project concludes. Other essays, whether articles published in journals or freely hosted on websites are listed below.
Two monographs by Professor Andy Orchard connected with the project can be sourced from Oxford University Press from 2022.
Publications by Andy Orchard

Lycurgus cup, Rome. British Museum. CC BY NC SA
The Craft and Cunning of Anglo-Saxon Verse and Other Studies (2022)
‘Alcuin and Cynewulf: the Art and Craft of Anglo-Saxon Verse’, Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture for 2019 (recording available at soundcloud), written version published in Journal of the British Academy volume 8 (2020), pp. 295–399
‘Fresh Terror, New Horror: Fear and the Unfamiliar in the Old English Exodus ’, in Fear in the Medical and Literary Imagination, Medieval to Modern: Dreadful Passions, ed. Daniel McCann and Claire McKechnie-Mason (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), pp. 131–56
‘Lege feliciter, scribe felicius: the Originality of the Vita S. Guthlaci ’, in Guthlac of Crowland: Celebrating 1300 Years, ed. Jane Roberts and Alan Thacker (Paul Watkins: Stamford, 2019), pp. 25–54

AN00032720_001_l Anglo Saxon plaque. British Museum. CC BY NC SA
‘Beowulf and the Art of Invention’, in By Definition: Studies in Medieval Literature and Lexicology in Honor of Antonette diPaolo Healey, ed. Hal Momma and Samantha Zacher (8,500 words, submitted January 2018)
‘Compound Interest in Old English Verse’ [9,000 words; to appear in Anglo-Saxon England]
Publications by Rafael Pascual

AN00135982_001_l Replica Sutton Hoo drinking vessel wood and silver from fragments. British Museum. CC BY NC SA
Old English Dithematic Names and the Reliability of Sieversian Metrics, forthcoming in English Studies.
Nicolay Yakovlev’s Theory of Old English Metre: A Reassessment. Neophilologus. Published online. (With L. Neidorf.)
Old Norse Influence on the Language of Beowulf: A Reassessment. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 31 (2019): 298-322. (With L. Neidorf.)
Bliss’s Rule and Old English Metrics. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 32 (2019): 209-213.
The Study of Old English Metrical Style. In Miguel Ángel Martínez-Cabeza, Rafael J. Pascual, Belén Soria, and Rocío G. Sumillera (eds), The Study of Style: Essays in English Language and Literature in Honour of José Luis Martínez-Dueñas, pp. 29-39. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2019.
Alliterative Metre and Medieval English Literary History. Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 40 (2018): 221-230.
A Possible Emendation of Beowulf 1042a. Notes and Queries 66: 166-168.
Two Possible Emendations of Beowulf 2088a. Notes and Queries 66: 5-8.