A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġefrugnon

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Dream of the Rood 76b dryhtnes þeġnas, / frēondas ġe·frugnon, / and ġieredon mē || golde an
Elene 172a þæs twēo nǣre. / Þā þæt ġe·frugnon || þā þurh fulwihte / lǣrde
Deor 14b þæt Mǣþ·hilde || maniġe ġe·frugnon / wurdon grundlēase || Ġeates
Beowulf 2b um, / þēod-cyninga, || þrymm ġe·frugnon, / hū þā æðelingas || ellen
Beowulf 70b n / þonne ielda bearn || ǣfre ġe·frugnon, / and ðǣr on innan || eall ġ