A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: bena

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Genesis A 2250b te / beddreste gestah || swa ic bena wæs / drehte dogora gehwam ||
Genesis A 2359b wille / bletsian nu || swa þu bena eart / þinum frumbearne || þ
Beowulf 352b ille / beaga bryttan || swa ðu bena eart / ðeoden mærne || ymb ð
Beowulf 3140b dum / beorhtum byrnum || swa he bena wæs / alegdon ða tomiddes ||
The Judgment Day II 60a a ðeah || deaðe gehende / his bena bebead || breostgehigdum / he m
Instructions for Christians 140b ten heora / on ælcere tide || bena gehyrda. / Ne dereð mycel wela