A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wilcuman

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Christ and Satan 616a | cleopaþ ofer ealle / ge sind wilcuman || gaþ in wuldres leoht / to h
Christ B 554b / weorud wlitescyne || gesegon wilcuman / on heahsetle || heofones wald
The Descent into Hell 58a d to his mæge spræc / ond ða wilcuman || wordum grette / ðe ðæs ð
Beowulf 388b eac wordum || ðæt hie sint wilcuman / deniga leodum || / || word in
Beowulf 394b wylmas / heardhicgende || hider wilcuman / nu ge moton gangan || in eowr
Beowulf 1894a him togeanes rad / cwæð ðæt wilcuman || wedera leodum / scaðan scir