A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġecrang

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

The Fates of the Apostles 60b ne hand, || ðǣr sē hālĝa ġe·crang, / wund for weorodum, || þonan
The Fates of the Apostles 72b stenges swenġ || stīþ-mōd ġe·crang, / ēadiġ for æfēstum. || Haf
The Ruin 31b aĝe%s hrōf%. || Hryre wang ġe·crang / ġe·brocen tō beorĝum, ||
The Wanderer 79b be·drorene, || duĝuþ eall ġe·crang, / wlanc be wealle. || Sume wī
Beowulf 1209b þēoden; || hē under rande ġe·crang. / Ġe·hwearf þā on Francna f
Beowulf 1337b and wierde. || Hē æt wīġe ġe·crang / ealdres sċyldiġ || and nū
Beowulf 1568b ǣsċ-haman; || hēo on flett ġe·crang. / Sweord wæs swātiġ, || secg
Beowulf 2505a bringan mōste, / ac on campe% ġe·crang || cumbles hīerde, / æðeling
The Battle of Finnsburh 31b æt ðǣre gūðe || Gārulf ġe·crang, / ealra ǣrest || eorð-būendr
The Battle of Maldon 250b m æt-wītan, || nū min wine ġe·crang, / þæt iċ hlāfordlēas || h