A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġungan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Andreas 1117b gūþ-frec guma, || ymb þæs ġungan feorh / brēostum on·bryrded.
The Fortunes of Men 5b þ ġearrīmum, || þæt þā ġungan limu, / līffæstan liðu, ||
Beowulf 2626a eġ. || Þā wæs forma sīþ / ġungan cempan, || þæt hē gūðe r
Beowulf 2860a en dēþ. / Þā wæs æt þǣm ġungan% || grimm andswaru / īeð-be·