A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hyrstum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Elene 263b seres bodan, / hilde-rincas, || hyrstum ġe·werede. / Þǣr wæs ġe·
Riddles 14 11b % liċġan, / hwīlum hangie || hyrstum frætwed, / wlitiġ on wǣĝe,
Riddles 31 20b urh fōt niðan, || frætwed hyrstum. / Hafaþ hire on healse, || þo
Riddles 40 61a e wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr on hyrstum || haswe standeþ. / Iċ mēsan
Riddles 53 7b wriðen ofer wunda, || wannum hyrstum / foran ġe·frætwed. || Nū h
Riddles 88 12a a || þe wit inn stōdon, || / hyrstum þȳ hīerra. || Full oft unc
Beowulf 2762a anna fatu || feormiendlēase, / hyrstum be·hrorene; || ðǣr wæs he