A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mēde

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Beowulf 2134b , / mǣrþu fremede; || hē mē mēde ġe·hēt. / Iċ þā þæs wie
Beowulf 2146a for·loren hæfde, / mæġenes mēde, || ac hē mē māðmas% ġeaf
Judith 334b ġeþ mōdiġre. || Hīe tō mēde hire / of þǣm sīþ-fæte ||
Judith 343b oldan rīċe, || swelċe ēac mēde on heofonum, / siĝor-lēan on
The Judgment Day II 280b lþ ānra ġe·hwǣm || ēċe mēde, / heofonliċe hyrsta, || þæt