A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: unġelīċ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Genesis B 356b ‘Is þæs% ænga% styde% || un-ġe·līċ swīðe / þam ōðrum hām% ||
Genesis B 612b e sēo gōde, || þæt þe is un-ġe·līċ / wlite and wæstmas, || siþþ
Daniel 112a wǣre || wundrum ġe·tēod, / un-ġe·līċ ieldum || oþ ed-sċeafte. / We
Solomon and Saturn 28a | frēan æl-mihtĝum, / englum un-ġe·līċ || ana hwearfaþ’. / ‘Ac hw