A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: undearnunga

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Elene 405a ode || and for eorlum spræc, / undearnunga || ides reordode / hlūde for h
Elene 182b ā·ġeaf / Elene for eorlum || undearnunga: / ‘Ġif þū on heofon-rīċe
Riddles 42 2a eah wihte || wrætlīċe twā / un-dearnunga || ūte pleĝan / hǣmed-lāces
The Paris Psalter 88:17 1b / # / Þonne þū ofer ealle || undearnunga / þīne bearn sprecest || and
The Battle of Finnsburh 22b , / ac hē fræġn ofer eall || un-dearnunga, / dēor-mōd hæleþ, || hwā