A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wīċstede

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Riddles 3 9a ; || horn-salu waĝiaþ, / wera wīċ-stede, || weallas bifiaþ, / stēape o
Beowulf 2462a him eall tō rūm, / wangas and wīċ-stede. || Swā Wedra helm / aefter Her
Beowulf 2607a | þe hē him ǣr for·ġeaf, / wīċ-stede weliġne || Wǣġ-mundinga, / f
The Paris Psalter 78:7 2a acob || ġāra ǣton, / and his wīċ-stede || weston ġe·lōme. / / # / Ne