A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wearp

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

Genesis B 300b īehsta heofones wealdend, || wearp hine of þǣm hēan stōle. / H
Genesis B 304b is hyldu || and hine on helle wearp, / on þā dēopan dala, || ðǣ
Genesis B 342b þ / mehtiġ on mōde ierre. || Wearp hine on þæt morðor innan, /
Genesis B 491a oda || þe wiþ drihten wann. / Wearp hine þā on wyrmes līċ ||
Riddles 35 5b ē ne bēoþ wefle, || ne iċ wearp hafu, / ne þurh þrēata ġe·
The Ruin 38b ofu stōdon, || strēam hāte wearp / wīdan wielme; || weall eall
Beowulf 1531a ndiġ || mǣġ Hyġe·lāces. / Wearp þā wunden-mǣl% || wrǣttum
Beowulf 2582a wenġe || on hrēoᵤm mōde, / wearp wæl-fȳre; || wīde sprungon
The Leiden Riddle 5b ne bēoþ wefle, || nē iċ wearp hæbbe, / nē þurh þrēatum