Number of occurrences in corpus: 4
Genesis B 619a | if ġīet þurh cūscne sidu / | lǣst | mīna lāra, || þonne ġiefe |
Genesis A 2306b | ofa%, swā iċ þē lǣre, || | lǣst | uncre wēl / trēow-rǣdenne. | |
Guthlac B 1171b | ran, / noht lange ofer þis. || | Lǣst | ealle wēl / wǣre and winesċi |
Beowulf 2663b | þ: / ‘Lēofa Bēow·ulf, || | lǣst | eall tela, / swā þū on ġuĝ |