A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: cantant

canto verb pres ind act 3rd pl conj1 are_vb

canto verb pres ind act 3rd pl conj1 are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

GOSCELIN.VEdith.Vers a 8 adorant, angeli pronunciant, / Cantant superna, stella signat pronub
N.Hymn.DeDiebDominic04 12 e regit et ardua. / 3b. Hinc te cantant angeli, / laudant et / archangeli
N.Hymn.DeDiebDominic05 62 b. Ubi aurea / te agmina cuncta / cantant per aeva / tota aeterna / 10a. Re
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 206 m semperque diem noua cantica cantant, / "Sanctus, sanctus" ei proclam
WULFSTANC.Epan.Vers 17 a sonant, quod vocibus organa cantant; / laudibus ymnifluis intima