A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: portendens

portendo participle pres part neut acc sg conj3

portendo participle pres part masc/fem/neut nom/voc sg conj3

portendo participle pres part neut acc sg conj3

portendo participle pres part masc/fem/neut nom/voc sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

ALDHELM.Aenig 64 4 epti compleui iussa parentis, / portendens fructu terris uenisse salutem
BEDE.Hymn 3 119 cedere coepit, / Adae laetitiam portendens ante ruinam, / Quam bene format
N.MiraculaNyniae 409 steria pandere Christi / Incipe portendens naturam corporis almi, / Ut mi