A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: completo

compleo verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj2

compleo verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj2

con-pleo verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj2

con-pleo verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj2

compleo participle perf part pass neut abl sg pp4

compleo participle perf part pass masc abl sg pp4

compleo participle perf part pass neut dat sg pp4

compleo participle perf part pass masc dat sg pp4

compleo verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj2

compleo verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj2

con-pleo verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj2

con-pleo verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj2

compleo participle perf part pass neut abl sg pp4

compleo participle perf part pass masc abl sg pp4

compleo participle perf part pass neut dat sg pp4

compleo participle perf part pass masc dat sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 17 9 am quod dona salutis. / Tempore completo praedictus corpora pastor / Liq
N.MiraculaNyniae 2 s ueneranda potestas, / Tempore completo celi de culmine Christus / Vene
N.MiraculaNyniae 266 ndus in ordine uates, / Tempore completo gelidantia membra relinquit / S
££.IVVENC.Euang01 47 ndia uocis. / Inde domum remeat completo ex ordine uates / Officio, amis