A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: michael

Number of occurrences in corpus: 14

ALCVIN.Carm 88.12 1 re perpetuo. / / # Carmina 88.12 / Michael aethereus princeps, primusque
ALCVIN.Carm 89.25 4 er socios summosque ministros / Michael princeps, primus in arce poli
ALCVIN.Carm 90.14 1 a 90.14 / Hanc regat omnipotens Michael archangelus aram, / Per quem vi
ALCVIN.Carm 91.4 1 ina 91.4 / Hic precibus nostris Michael archangelus adsit, / Magnus in
ALCVIN.Carm 99.4 1 mina 99.4 / Magnus ab arce poli Michael archangelus aulam / Hanc precib
ALCVIN.Carm 109.12 1 a Christus. / / # Carmina 109.12 / Michael aetherius princeps primusque
ALCVIN.Carm 110.18 6 is clemens et sancta benigna, / Michael, ante deum caeli qui adsistit
ALCVIN.Carm 114.2 2 rni felix qui regis in aevum, / Michael, summa in arce minister ades; /
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 632 The high-throned one sent me, Michael, from Olympus / to say that you
BERHTGYTH.Balthard.Octo1 22 oe Eloimque El / Et Sabbaoth et Michael / Ac Saddai Adonai / Alleua iam a
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1245 llous to say!) / the mysterious Michael, radiant with a shining face.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1301 advance that the prophecy of Michael would soon come to pass, / and
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1355 a hard rest. / Accordingly, as Michael returned, the spirit of the b
N.Michael.Intro2.Trop 4 Benedicite* / Est quia pax uera Michael uincente perenni: / *qui faciti