A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: oretta

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Andreas 879a || þær wæs dauid mid / eadig oretta || essages sunu / for crist cum
Andreas 983a || eode in burh hraþe / anræd oretta || elne gefyrþred / maga mode
Guthlac A 176a | siððan biorg gestah / eadig oretta || ondwiges heard / gyrede hine
Guthlac A 344a || oððe sæne mod / swa sceal oretta || a in his mode / gode compian
Guthlac A 401a hwylc wæs mara ðonne se / an oretta || ussum tidum / cempa gecyðe
Beowulf 1532a æl || wrættum gebunden / yrre oretta || ðæt hit on eorðan læg /
Beowulf 2538b erne / aras ða bi ronde || rof oretta / heard under helme || hioroser