A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: recedes

recedo verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

re-cedo#1 verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

recedo verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

re-cedo#1 verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Genesis A 2443b reste and gereorda || and his recedes hleow / and þegnunge || hie on
Beowulf 326b ndas regnhearde || wið ðæs recedes weal / bugon ða to bence || by
Beowulf 724a hydig || ða he gebolgen wæs / recedes muðan || raðe æfter ðon / o
Beowulf 3088a ne || ond ðæt eall geondseh / recedes geatwa || ða me gerymed wæs
Maxims II 37a d || duru sceal on healle / rum recedes muþ || rand sceal on scylde /
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 630 ro inferior pugnae nec honore recedes.” / Turnus ad haec: *************