A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: stīĝaþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Riddles 1 6b rne, / reċed reafie? || Rēcas stīĝaþ, / haswe ofer hrōfum. || Hlin%
The Phoenix 542b rymm, / stefn aefter stefne, || stīĝaþ tō wuldre / wlitiġe ġe·wyrt
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4b ē, / and eft tō þē || ealle stīĝaþ.
Solomon and Saturn 37b drēor%, || þæt him dropan stīĝaþ, / swāte ġe·swīðed, || seof