A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: āfylled

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Christ and Satan 99b þēs% wālica hām || wītes ā·fylled; / naĝan% we þæs heolstres ||
Christ C 1562a || biþ sē wǣr-loĝa / fȳres ā·fylled. || Fēores unwierðe, / eġesan
Beowulf 1018a | Heorot innan wæs / frēondum ā·fylled; || nealles fācₑn-stafas / Þ
The Judgment Day II 77b st þū on horwe || leahtrum ā·fylled, / flǣsċ, mid synnum? || Hwȳ