A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ābīdan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Christ C 1630b ca be·bod; || for·þon hīe ā·bīdan sċulon / on sīn-nihte, || sā
Soul and Body II 56a ra gōda nan, / ac hēr sċulon ā·bīdan || bān be·rēafod, / be·slit
Riddles 5 9b a, / bītaþ on burgum; || iċ ā·bīdan sċeall / lāðran ġe·mōtes.
The Wife's Lament 53b ċeall / of langoþe || lēofes ā·bīdan.
Beowulf 977b gen, / bealwum bendum. || Þǣr ā·bīdan sċeall / maĝa māne fāh || m