A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þēodrīċ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Widsith 115b and Beccan, || Seafolan and Þēodrīċ, / Heaðurīċ and Sifecan, || H
Deor 18a ēode, || þisses swā mæġ. / Þēod·rīċ āhte || þrītiġ wintra / Mǣ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 69a | Þā þā lāre on­·ġeat / Þēodrīċ Amuling || and þone þeġn o
Waldere B 4b ċ wāt þæt hit% þōhte || Þēodrīċ Widian / selfum on·sendon || a