A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġelǣdde

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Christ and Satan 88b e iċ hebbe tō helle || hām ġe·lǣdde%. / Wēne% þæt tācen sweotol |
Christ and Satan 503b s þe iċ of hæftum || hām ġe·lǣdde / up tō earde, || þæt hēo
Christ and Satan 551b e hē ūs of hæftum || hām ġe·lǣdde / up tō ēðle, || ðǣr we ā
Andreas 1033a ra || hilde-þrymme, / and þā ġe·lǣdde || of liðu-bendum / fram þām
The Fates of the Apostles 43b ne / þæt tō Indeum || ealdre ġe·lǣdde% / beadu-cræftiġ beorn, || Bar