A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġiehþum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Exodus 535b -lēase / þisne ġiest-sele || ġiehþum healdaþ%, / murnaþ on mōde,
Andreas 1008a ēodne. || Hē ðǣr ana sæt / ġiehþum ġōmor || on þām gnorn-hof
Elene 322a we, || eġesan ġe·þrēade, / ġiehþum ġōmre, || ġeorne% sōhton /
Elene 93a (þām wæs Symon nama), / guma ġiehþum% frōd%. || Nū ġē ġeare cu