A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ferhþlocan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Andreas 58a . || Him wæs Crīstes lof / on ferhþ-locan || fæste be·wunden. / Hē þ
Andreas 4a n, || āh him naman mīnne / on ferhþ-locan || fæste ġe·timbre. / Wuna o
Juliana 79b de, / ðǣre fǣmnan fæder, || ferhþ-locan on·spēon: / ‘Iċ þæt ġe
The Wanderer 13a drihten þēaw, / þæt hē his ferhþ-locan || fæste binde, / healde% his
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 5a | mōd ġe·feðeran, / þīnne ferhþ-locan, || feðerum mīnum, / oþ·þæ
The Lord's Prayer III 5a || nerġende Crīst, / on ūrum ferhþ-locan || fæste ġe·staðolod. / Cum
The Lord's Prayer III 32b onda ġe·hwelċes; || we on ferhþ-locan, / þēoden engla, || þanc and