A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: holmas

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Genesis A 146b an / hyhtliċ heofon-timber. || Holmas dǣlde / wealdend ūre || and
Christ B 855b s wācan weorold, || windġe holmas / ofer dēop ġe·lād. || Wæs
The Order of the World 54b īehþ / heofon-candelle || and holmas mid, / laðaþ and lǣdeþ% ||
Azarias 123a ing, || sǣs and wætera / hēa holmas, || hāliġne drihten, / dōmlī
Beowulf 240a || lǣdan cōmon, / hider ofer holmas? || le% wæs / ende-sǣta, || ē