Number of occurrences in corpus: 14
Andreas 967a | Iūdēum || ġalĝan þeahte, / | (rōd | wæs ā·rǣred), || ðǣr ri |
Dream of the Rood 44a | c iċ sċolde fæste standan. / | rōd | wæs iċ ā·rǣred. || ahōf |
Dream of the Rood 136b | welċe || hwonne mē dryhtnes | rōd, | / þe iċ hēr on eorðan || ǣ |
Elene 219a | hȳded wǣre, / æðel-cininges | rōd. | || Elene ne wolde / þæs sīþ |
Elene 186a | | saĝa recene mē / hwǣr sēo | rōd | wunie || rodor-cininges, / hāl |
Elene 282b | ened, || hwǣr sēo hālġe% | rōd, | / þurh fēondes% searu || fold |
Elene 448a | him uppan || æðelinges wæs / | rōd | ā·rǣred, || rodor-cininges |
Elene 534b | e·hwǣre, || þæt Crīstes | rōd%, | / fyrn foldan be·græfen, || f |
Elene 573b | helpe, || ðǣr sēo hālġe | rōd | / ġe·meted wæs, || mǣrost b |
Elene 785b | dum, || on þām sēo hālġe | rōd | / ġe·meted wæs, || mǣrost b |
Christ C 1064b | hearda dæġ || and sēo hēa | rōd, | / riht ā·rǣred || rīċes t |
Christ C 1084a | ell-þēodum / ūsses dryhtnes | rōd | || andweard standeþ, / bēacna |
Christ C 1101b | anian%, / þonne sēo rēade || | rōd | ofer ealle / sweġle sċīeneþ |
Christ C 1489b | rra mid mec || þīnra synna | rōd | / þe iċ unwillum || on bēom |