A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wolden

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

Genesis B 249b his ġungorsċipe || fyliġan wolden, / wyrċan his willan, || forþo
Genesis B 644a hīe þone wæstm ān / lǣtan wolden || þe þæt lāðe% trēow / o
Genesis B 744b on þeġnsċipe || þēowian wolden. / For·þon unc wealdend wearþ
Genesis B 787b on þǣm lande, || ġif hīe wolden lāre Godes / for·weard fremma
Genesis A 2460b mid þǣm hæleþum || hǣman wolden / unsċamlīċe, || ārna ne ġ
Daniel 203b || þæt hīe þider hweorfan wolden, / guman tō þǣm gyldnan ġiel
Beowulf 2636b gūð-ġe·tawa || ġieldan wolden / ġif him þȳslicu || ðearf
The Paris Psalter 80:13 3b en, / oþþe on weĝas mīne || wolden gangan, / þonne iċ hira fīen