Number of occurrences in corpus: 6
Genesis B 305b | ēopan dala, || ðǣr hē tō | dēofle | wearþ, / sē fēond mid his ġ |
Genesis B 587b | drihtne selfum; || ne eom iċ | dēofle | ġe·līċ’. / Lǣdde hīe sw |
Christ C 1522a | || and his ġe·sīðum mid, / | dēofle | ġe·ġearwod || and ðǣre d |
The Seafarer 76b | onda nīþ, / dēorum dǣdum || | dēofle | tō·ġēanes, / þæt hine iel |
Solomon and Saturn 138b | r-torn ġēotaþ || ġīfrum | dēofle. | / Mæġ simle sē Godes cwide | |
A Prayer 12b | an hēr / dæġes and nihtes || | dēofle | campaþ / and his willan wyrcþ |