Number of occurrences in corpus: 15
The Menologium 11a | rius || gerum heton / and þæs | embe | fif niht || þætte fulwihtti |
The Menologium 19b | s / ealde ægleawe || and þæs | embe | ane niht / þæt we marian || m |
The Menologium 41a | brytene || swylce benedictus / | embe | nigon niht þæs || nergend s |
The Menologium 71a | forþ || wisse gesingan / þæt | embe | nihgontyne || niht and fifum / |
The Menologium 76a | bremu || swylce in burh raþe / | embe | siex niht þæs || smicere on |
The Menologium 83a | for meotudes lufan / and þæs | embe | twa niht || þætte tæhte go |
The Menologium 181a | ed || emnihtes dæg / and þæs | embe | twa niht || þæt se teoþa m |
The Menologium 194a | g || and þæs ofstum bringþ / | embe | feower niht || folce genihtsu |
The Menologium 210b | ohte / upengla weard || þænne | embe | eahta niht / and feowerum || þ |
The Menologium 215a | clypiaþ to þearfe / and þæs | embe | seofon niht || sigedrihtne le |
The Rewards of Piety 67a | / sauwle ðine || a hi winnað / | embe | ðæt || / dæges and nihtes | |
The Battle of Maldon 247a | nne winedrihten / ne þurfon me | embe | sturmere || stedefæste hæl |
The Battle of Maldon 249a | wine-drihten. / Ne þurfon mē | embe | Stūr-mere || stede-fæste h |
The Battle of Maldon 269a | || hwilon beorn tæsde / æfre | embe | stunde || he sealde sume wund |
The Battle of Maldon 271a | | hwīlum beorn tǣsde, / ǣfre | embe | stunde || hē sealde sume wun |